Hempelf Editorial Policy

Our mission at HempElf is to offer accurate, responsible, and useful content to our readers. Our content mostly covers education in the CBD and hemp space, often relating to the products that we work with. To ensure that our content meets the highest standards, we have published this editorial policy, which we reference before working on any content on our platform.

Our Commitment to You

What is paramount to us is creating content that our readers can trust and easily understand. Due to the health and wellness nature of hemp products, we know accuracy is critical when creating our content. Every piece of content we publish is carefully fact-checked, and where claims are made, research data is accompanied, allowing readers to explore complex topics further.

Content Creation Guidelines

  1. Accuracy and Responsibility: Our content is carefully researched to ensure that the information we provide is correct. To demonstrate this, when making medical claims, we follow those statements with citations. We only work with credible sources, including peer- reviewed research and, at times, interviews with industry experts. It is our policy not to make any unsupported claims, protecting our readers from making misinterpretations.
  2. Empathy and Inclusivity: Our content is geared to be respectful of all individuals. We want to create a space that welcomes a diverse range of readers. Our content does not encourage behaviour that could be deemed dangerous or irresponsible. Rather, we encourage our community to help each other and offer compassionate advice.
  3. Transparency and Trust: At HempElf, we take trust seriously and use citations where possible to share where we get our facts from with our readers. We disclose that to our readers if we have been sponsored to post about third-party brands.
  4. Regular Updates and Monitoring: We regularly review and update our articles to keep up with the latest research and possible regulatory changes. If we identify an out-of-data article or a potential breach of regulation, our regular screening method helps us promptly act. We also welcome feedback via email and through the comments section of our articles and take their words seriously.
  5. Avoiding Misleading or Dangerous Content: Our content is not just informative but also encourages the safety of our readers. None of our content encourages dangerous behaviour. We aim to help readers understand the benefits and potential risks of CBD and hemp products, always responsibly.

Human-Centered Content Creation

All of our content is created by skilled writers who are knowledgeable about CBD and hemp products and who, at times, use AI programs to help edit. Our writers are experienced and understand the importance of research and writing in a way that all readers can understand.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement

We encourage readers to provide feedback via the comments section or our email. We respond to all emails within 24 hours. We value all feedback and will consider all messages at our content meetings.

Publication Guideline

While we encourage a wide and varied range of topics for discussion on this website, we must adhere to a set of standards that protect our readers. Therefore, before any article is published on the public facing website, it must be reviewed by at least one member of the editorial team (other than the author). The reviewer(s) will ensure that the standards and policies listed herein are upheld by the article. In case an article does not meet the standards and guidelines, it will be returned to the author with detailed commentary in reference to the guidelines for publication.


Our priority at HempElf is to create safe and helpful content that answers the questions our readers are looking to answer. We aim to create a space where a diverse range of readers can access CBD and hemp knowledge. With this editorial policy, we will continue to uphold these standards in all our content.