Charas is a traditional cannabis concentrate that is popular in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Nepal but is most commonly associated with India, where it has been utilized for both religious and medicinal purposes for many thousands of years.
This handmade Indian hashish differentiates from other forms of concentrate primarily in that it is hand-crafted from the resin of living cannabis plants (as opposed to being derived from harvested and, thus, “dead” plants).
What is the cultural significance of Charas?

Charas is a potent form of hashish with a long cultural history. Most commonly made in Himachal Pradesh, including Kashmir and Parvati Valley, Charas is native to the Himalayan region of India. Still, small quantities are exported to the rest of the world.
The form of hashish is mentioned in Indian literature dating back 3500 years; the Vedas, an Indian scripture, details the healing powers of the concentrate. The celebration of the cannabis plant in Indian religious and spiritual culture also dates back to this period - cannabis (referred to as Bhang) was considered to be one of the five holy plants of Hinduism, alongside soma, pipal, barley, and darbha.
Specifically, Charas is closely associated with Lord Shiva, one of the main deities of Hinduism. Cannabis in different forms has been used in the worship of Shiva for thousands of years, and the God is often depicted consuming the plant.
Devotees use Charas during meditation and religious rituals, ceremonies, and festivals. Consuming Charas in chillums—traditional clay pipes—is thought to help worshippers reach higher states of consciousness and assist them on the road to spiritual enlightenment. On these occasions, the chillums are shared between participants (normally between 2 and 5 people); ultimately, the sacred consumption experience is a communal activity.
How is Charas made?
Traditionally, making Charas involves a person gently hand-rubbing the flowering tops of live cannabis plants between their palms.
This intricate technique builds up resin, which is then very carefully scraped from the person’s hands and crafted into sticks or small balls.
This ancient practice relies on one thing: time. It’s a slow process, and the more care is taken, the higher the quality of the result. More deliberate and careful rubbing yields a superior product.
Other methods for making Charas include beating the cannabis flower top on cloths or the makers walking among the plants wearing special leather aprons.
In these cases, the resin is again scraped off the material and used as an ingredient in numerous smoking mixtures. Like with bhang (the larger leaves and twigs of male and female plants combined, used in India for smoking), Charas can also be combined with butter.
Is Charas production under threat?
As explained previously, the faster you make Charas, the lower the quality. To make the highly coveted “cream” form of Charas, you must go very slowly. It is, therefore, difficult to make more than just a few grams a day.
While, of course, some Charas is still made authentically, ultimately, production in its most authentic and highest-quality form is under threat.
Heightened international interest, especially in the highly coveted Manali cream (named after the village it originates from), has led to many locals keen to capitalize on the economic opportunity. The result is that many Charas makers feel pressure to speed up the ancient practice in order to satisfy demand.
What does Charas taste like?
Charas is often said to taste relatively different from normal hash. It is known for its strong, earthy, musky aroma and can taste sweet with spicy undercurrants.
What is CBD Charas?

While traditionally, Charas is known for its high tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content, the product can also be made with hemp strains.
Hemp, the sister plant of cannabis, is defined in legal contexts by the THC content of its flowers (less than 0.3% in UK markets).
The traditional hand-rubbing method can also be applied to hemp strains, resulting in charas that provide the therapeutic benefits of CBD without any of the more intense psychoactive effects that are associated with high THC content.
Charas can be a particularly effective way of consuming CBD due to its high cannabinoid content.
The presence of these extra cannabinoids triggers the entourage effect. This refers to the notion that consuming multiple cannabis compounds alongside CBD produces a synergistic effect, resulting in more distinctive and effective benefits than if you had simply consumed CBD alone (as you would with CBD isolates).
Notably, Charas is made through a crude process; it’s not cured in the same way as other cannabis or CBD products. Therefore, even CBD Charas retains a rich and expansive blend of cannabinoid and terpene profiles.
Where can I buy CBD Charas?

While CBD Charas will not be exported from the regions where traditional THC Charas first evolved, there are a number of options if you’re looking for a high quality CBD based hash product. Take HempElf’s 420 special edition CBD Hemp Pollen Hash, which is AAAA graded and contains 15% CBD. This product is one of our all time best sellers, with many reviews testifying to it’s exceptional taste and effects, particularly when it’s mixed into food or hot beverages.
Frequently asked questions
What are the main types of charas?
The two main types of Charas are Kerala Gold and Malana Cream. These are some of the most expensive types of cannabis resin you can buy globally. The difference between these products are the strains, named for the villages and areas where these products originate from. Malana Cream comes from the village of Malanda, while Idukki in the Kerala state of southern India is the primary producer of Kerala Gold.
Can you get CBD charas?
Yes, CBD-rich charas is available to buy across some markets. CBD Charas offers the benefits of cannabinoid-rich cannabidiol without the psychoactive, “high-inducing” element of THC.