How to use CBD Sugar Wax & Crumble UK

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In our opinion one of the best ways to feed your endocannabinoid system is by using a full spectrum CBD concentrate. Being full fat soluble, CBD Sugar Wax can either be dissolved into a fat/oil of your choice or vaporized via dabbing or dab-pen.

1. Vaping.

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We have noticed many people in the UK are creating their own vape products out of CBD Sugar Wax; this is because users can enjoy the benefits of a full-spectrum terpene rich vape oil with very minimal ingredients. In order to do this, users are heating up their chosen vape oil base (VG, PG, MCT etc.) and slowly mixing their CBD Sugar Wax into the oil, letting it dissolve over time. Since our CBD Sugar Wax is packed full of natural cannabis-derived terpenes, there is no need to add flavouring. Read our guide on how to make your own vape juice for more information. 

2. Dabbing.

Dabbing dab CBD Sugar Wax hemp cannabis uk legal weed england

Dabbing dab CBD Sugar Wax hemp cannabis uk legal weed england

If creating a vape product isn’t for you, then we suggest giving “dabbing” or “vaping” a try. This is a much simpler way of consuming CBD Sugar Wax. It involves heating the CBD Sugar Wax to the temperature at which it changes state from solid into a vapour ready for direct inhalation to the lungs. By avoiding the burning of any carcinogens, this is a very healthy option.

3. Sublingual.

sublingual under the tongue CBD Sugar Wax hemp cannabis uk legal weed england

These are all great ways to consume CBD Sugar Wax, however some people just don’t have the time to set up a dab rig, or create a vape juice. If that sounds like you, perhaps sublingual ingestion is the way to go. Sublingual means absorption under the tongue, so take a few crumbs of you CBD Sugar Wax and hold them under your tongue for an efficient and fast way to absorb cannabinoids. To further increase your bodies bioavailability (active effective absorption within the body) we advise to consume a healthy fat after CBD Sugar Wax is rested under the tongue. This could be done by consuming a teaspoon of coconut oil straight after sublingual absorption. We advise this step because cannabis is fat soluble, so by adding a fat into the system, your body will absorb more CBD.

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Please get this in stock, for the love of cbd. & will you also please start selling trps? Strain specific terpenes & hard to find in NY

Robert Finchley

When will you have this in stock please and will it be the same price.
Thank you

Narguis Keshavjee

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